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Generation Z: Who Are They and Why Are They Different?

Generation Z, often known as "Digital Natives", is a group of individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s.

Children's education in the digital era, generation Z needs, education challenges in the digital era, understanding generation Z children, generation Z education strategies.

Kisah Berita 1001 - Recognizing the distinctive characteristics of Generation Z is an important step in understanding their needs and aspirations, particularly in the context of education. As times change, education also needs to adapt to meet the demands and expectations of this generation that has grown up in the digital age.

Here are some key points that mark the distinctive characteristics and differences of Generation Z from previous generations:

Born in the Digital Age

Generation Z grew up in an era where technology, particularly the internet, has become an integral part of everyday life. They are familiar with digital devices since childhood, making them very accustomed to the online world.

Generation Z Born in the Digital Age


With constant exposure to various digital platforms, Generation Z has developed exceptional multitasking skills. They can easily perform multiple tasks at once, such as watching a video while browsing the internet or chatting.


Different Approach to Learning

Technology has influenced the way Generation Z understands and accesses information. They are more likely to seek answers through online searches or social media platforms rather than traditional sources such as books or teachers.

Digital Social

Their social interactions are often mediated by social media. This generation views the world with a global backdrop, connecting with people from different parts of the world through platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.

Digital Social gen z

Critical and Financially Savvy

Despite their youth, Generation Z has shown a high awareness of global issues, including environmental concerns and inequality. In addition, they are also known to be savvy consumers, with a good understanding of personal finance and the value of money.

Critical and Financially Savvy gen z

Digital Ethics

Apart from advanced technological skills, Generation Z is also known to have strong ethical awareness about online privacy, cyberbullying and other digital issues.

Digital Ethics gen z

Creativity and Self-Expression

Generation Z is often seen as a creative and innovative generation. They use digital platforms as a platform to express their ideas, opinions and creations. From creating video content on TikTok to designing digital artworks, they utilize technology to express themselves in ways that were not possible before.

Creativity and Self-Expression gen z

Interactive Approach to Learning

With easy access to online information and resources, Generation Z tends to opt for more interactive and engaged learning methods. They prefer video tutorials, interactive e-learning platforms and online discussions that allow them to actively participate in the learning process.

Technology Awareness

While often perceived as natural tech users, Generation Z is also aware of the negative impacts of overusing technology.Many of them actively participate in the digital well-being movement or educate their peers about the importance of balancing the virtual and real worlds.Rapid Adaptation to Change:Faced with challenges such as a global pandemic or rapid technological changes, Generation Z has shown remarkable adaptability.They can quickly adapt to new situations and find creative ways to stay connected and learn.

Technology Awareness gen z

As we learn about the characteristics and uniqueness of Generation Z, educators, parents and other stakeholders can design more effective and relevant educational approaches. Active engagement with Generation Z, listening to their aspirations and needs, and utilizing technology wisely will help create an educational environment that supports the full development of this young generation's potential in the digital age.

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