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Indonesia strongly condemns the attitude of the Israeli Minister of Finance to deny the existence of Palestine

Kisah Berita 1001 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Minister of Finance Indonesian) strongly condemns the attitude of the Israeli Minister of Finance who denies the existence of the Palestinian people and is not sexy about the existence and costs of the Jordanian territory.

Indonesia strongly condemns the attitude of the Israeli Minister of Finance to deny the existence of Palestine

"Indonesia condemns the Israeli Minister of Finance's tough stance on denying the existence of the Palestinian Nation and not sexting the existence and territorial sovereignty of Jordan," according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs message in a post on the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Twitter, Wednesday.

Bezalel Smotrich, Israel's Minister of Finance, said that the state of Israel includes all of Palestine and Jordan.

According to Reuters, Smotrich, who sponsors the religious-nationalist party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-right coalition, said Sunday that "nothing is called the Palestinian people," or Palestinian history or culture.

The statement then drew strong criticism from the Jordanian Foreign Minister, who took Smotrich's statement as "racist".

Indonesia affirms its consistency to protect the struggle of the Palestinian people and the independence of Jordanian territorial sovereignty.

"Indonesia continues to consistently invite the struggle of the Palestinian people and the Jordanian territorial restrictions," said the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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