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Isra Mi'raj: an Important Event in Islamic History

Isra Mi'raj is a very important event in Islamic history. Isra Mi'raj refers to the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem, then to the seventh heaven, and back to earth. This journey is believed to have taken place in 620 CE, about ten years before the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Journey of Isra Mi'raj

Apart from the story of the Prophet Muhammad, one of the important stories in the Islamic religion is the story of Isra Mi'raj. This story refers to the spiritual journey undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad from Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and then ascended to heaven to meet with Allah.

The Isra Mi'raj journey occurred in the 10th year of the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad when he was still in Mecca. According to the story, one night, Gabriel came to the Prophet Muhammad and took him to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by means of a vehicle called the Buraq. Buraq is an animal that resembles a horse but is smaller and faster. After arriving at Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Prophet Muhammad led prayers with the prophets who had passed away, including Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, and Prophet Jesus. Here is a brief story of the meeting of the Prophet Muhammad with some of these prophets and messengers:

Prophet Adam 

Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Adam, the first human father, in the first heaven. Prophet Adam greeted Prophet Muhammad and welcomed him to a very noble place. He also praised the Prophet Muhammad as the noblest prophet.

Prophet Jesus 

Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Jesus, who was raised to heaven by Allah without experiencing death. Prophet Jesus greeted and conveyed a message to Prophet Muhammad to convey the teachings of Islam to humanity.

Prophet Moses

Prophet Muhammad also met Prophet Moses, who was sent by Allah to guide the Israelites. Prophet Moses greeted and advised Prophet Muhammad to ask for a reduction in the number of prayers that Muslims had to perform.

Prophet Abraham 

Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Abraham, who was considered the father of the prophets and messengers. Prophet Abraham greeted and welcomed Prophet Muhammad. He also praised the Prophet Muhammad as the noblest prophet.

Prophet Jonah 

Prophet Muhammad also met Prophet Jonah, who was sent by Allah to guide the people of Nineveh. Prophet Jonah greeted and gave a message to Prophet Muhammad to teach goodness to humanity.

After meeting these prophets and messengers, the Prophet Muhammad continued his journey to the seventh heaven, where he met Allah and received revelations about the teachings of Islam. After that, Gabriel took the Prophet Muhammad to heaven to meet with Allah. There, he received a command from Allah to perform prayers five times a day. During the Isra Mi'raj journey, the Prophet Muhammad was also given several revelations and commands from Allah, including the command to perform prayers five times a day.

The story of Isra Mi'raj has become an important part of the Islamic religion and a significant moment in the history of the Prophet Muhammad. This story also has a very important meaning for Muslims, namely that Allah can lift humans to higher places and that performing prayers five times a day is an obligation for every Muslim.

Background of Isra Mi'raj 

Before this journey happened, the Prophet Muhammad was going through a difficult time. Islam was just starting to develop, and many people still regarded it as a strange and foreign religion. The Prophet Muhammad and his followers also often experienced oppression and violence from non-Muslims.

On the night of Isra Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad was sleeping in the Ka'bah when the angel Jibril came to him and woke him up. Jibril told Prophet Muhammad that Allah had called him to go to Jerusalem.

The Journey of Isra Mi'raj 

After arriving in Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad prayed in Masjid Al-Aqsa and met with past prophets such as Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Musa, and Prophet Isa. Then, Prophet Muhammad ascended to the heavens and met with Allah in paradise. There, he received the command to perform the five daily prayers.

The Importance of Isra Mi'raj 

Isra Mi'raj holds great significance for Muslims. This journey demonstrates the greatness of Allah and His power over everything. Isra Mi'raj is also proof of the truth of Prophet Muhammad's message as the last prophet and Allah's chosen one.

Isra Mi'raj is also the basis for the obligation of the five daily prayers in Islam. Prayer is an essential worship in Islam and is mandatory for all Muslims worldwide.


  1. Why is Isra Mi'raj considered important in Islam?

    Isra Mi'raj shows the greatness of Allah and His power over everything and is proof of the truth of Prophet Muhammad's message as the last prophet and Allah's chosen one.

  2. When did the event of Isra Mi'raj occur?

    The event of Isra Mi'raj occurred in 620 CE, about ten years before the death of Prophet Muhammad. The journey of Isra Miraj took place in the 10th year of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood, while he was still in Mecca.

  3. Who appeared during the journey of Isra Mi'raj?

    During the journey of Isra Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad met with past prophets such as Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Musa, and Prophet Isa.

  4. What is the meaning of Isra Miraj?

    Isra Miraj refers to the spiritual journey made by Prophet Muhammad from Masjidil Haram in Mecca to Masjidil Aqsa in Jerusalem and then ascending to heaven to meet with Allah.

  5. What did Prophet Muhammad receive during the journey of Isra Miraj?

    During the journey of Isra Miraj, Prophet Muhammad received a command from Allah to perform the five daily prayers, as well as other revelations and commands.

  6. What is the significance of the story of Isra Miraj for Muslims?

    The significance of the story of Isra Miraj for Muslims is that Allah can lift humans to higher places and that the five daily prayers are mandatory for every Muslim.

  7. What is Buraq?

    Buraq is an animal with a white body, a horse-like head, bird-like wings, and a long, slender tail. Buraq is said to be able to move very quickly, even exceeding the speed of light, allowing Prophet Muhammad to travel from Mecca to Jerusalem in a short time.

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